Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Assigment 4

1. Budget Hotel Rooms

the treadmill isn't working.
It kind of irks me it when hotel nickel-and dime their guest
I’m all flustered now. I mean all other hotels provide these amenities

2. Enjoying the Zoo

He throwed
One was naughty
Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite

3. Daily Schedule
I sometimes stay up until the early hours of the morning
You have to set aside time for the family and yourself
my wife has the has the toughest job

I think this web is good for English learner because you can listen to the native conversation(I like the kid voice it’s so cute) and after listening you can read and listen to the conversation at the same time again.
They also provide the Listening Exercises to test you.
And it classify to three levels including Easy Medium and Difficult. It is good for learner.

However I should spend more time to link this website, it is the only weakness about this web

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